Staff Spotlight: Caliber Senior Social Media Manager Briana Wilson.

Caliber Senior Social Media Manager Briana Wilson is one of our newest team members, having joined the team in April 2022. Based in Memphis, Tennessee, she is one of our growing number of fully remote team members who work from cities throughout the U.S. She sat down with Caliber Culture Manager, Kate Forster, to talk about her career in PR and social media for fintech and financial services companies, her love of baking and her passion for helping others.
Read more about Caliber Senior Social Media Manager Briana Wilson in her Staff Spotlight interview below.
Kate: Since we’re a work-from-home friendly workplace, tell us about “home” for you!
Briana: I have a furry WFH colleague who really appreciates the extra time we get to spend together! In addition to more flexibility to take him out throughout the day, work-from-home also meant that I was able to move from NYC back home to Memphis when I got this job. It brought me geographically closer to my family again, and I’ve loved being able to pop over to my parents’ for dinner or go to my siblings’ school activities.
Kate: Since joining Caliber, what career milestone makes you proud?
Briana: We’ve just hired our first social media account executive, which signifies team growth and momentum around social media at Caliber. Caliber’s social media team growth is exciting and makes me proud to be a part of the team helping to shape the future of our offerings in social media for fintechs and financial services.
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Kate: What do you like to do outside of work?
Briana: I’m currently training for the St. Jude Half Marathon in December. It’s my first half marathon, so my life outside of work involves a lot of running these days. Aside from that, I’ve been on a mission to make the perfect chocolate chip cookie, so I bake a lot and try out different recipes.
Kate: What’s something your colleagues don’t know about you?
Briana: In high school I founded a nonprofit that made blankets for the homeless. In its first four years we made and donated over 500 blankets to various organizations, including the Manna House in Memphis. The organization continued for another four years after I passed the baton to new leadership. Homelessness is a social cause I’m particularly passionate about, and I hope to relaunch the organization in some way in the future.
Kate: Tell us about your pets!
Briana: I have a 1 year old toy goldendoodle named Wellesley (a big name for a little dude). He’s named after my first NYC apartment building, The Wellesley, so I have a little piece of NYC with me even in Memphis.
Kate: What’s your favorite part of your job as a Caliber Senior Social Media Manager?
Briana: I love collaborating with my PR colleagues to truly integrate social media into our clients’ broader communications strategies.
Kate: What’s one accomplishment from your childhood that you still brag about?
Briana: I had a solo in the Nutcracker as a sugar plum fairy puppet when I was in 4th grade.
Kate: What’s one thing that amazes you about fintechs or innovation in financial services?
Briana: Financial services historically has been a fairly traditional sector with the same key players leading the way. What amazes me is watching financial services industry dynamics shift and seeing the massive impact smaller fintech companies can have – from a B2B perspective and also from a consumer perspective with regard to financial inclusivity, financial literacy, etc.
Kate: If you had to include one ingredient in every meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Briana: Red pepper flakes.
Want to join Briana Wilson at Caliber? Check out our job postings page for open positions.
The Staff Spotlight Q&A series highlights Caliber team members for the stellar work they do each day and the important part we all play in the company. Read more Staff Spotlight Q&A posts to learn more about our top-tier team.
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