Staff Spotlight: Caliber Senior Director Michelle Mead.

Kate Forster
Posted on Sep. 03, 2024
Staff Spotlights

Meet Caliber senior director Michelle Mead, whose career has been shaped by a passion for growth and a love for exploration.

Whether she’s guiding clients or embracing new cultures, Michelle’s dedication and strategic thinking are evident in everything she does. From her Wisconsin roots to her time in Texas, Michelle brings a wealth of experience and a unique perspective to the Caliber team.

Kate: What is your favorite nickname and how did you get it?

Michelle: I don’t really have a nickname outside of my family calling me “Chelle” (not Shell). At my first agency, my colleagues shortened my name to Mitch. If I had to pick one, that’s the one I wouldn’t mind keeping! 

Kate: Where do you consider “home”? What is special about it?

Michelle: I still consider Texas to be “home,” and it’s not even where I grew up! (I’m a Wisconsinite… but it’s far too cold there for my liking. However, Go Pack Go!) Texas is where I met my husband and got married, it’s where I bought my first house, and it’s where my career really evolved. 

Kate: What non-work activities inspire you?

Michelle: Traveling, no question. There’s something about exploring new places, meeting new people, and trying different foods and drinks. Traveling puts a lot of things into perspective. It’s hard not to feel inspired after returning from somewhere new. 

Kate: If you had to include one ingredient in every meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? 

Michelle: It’s a toss-up for me… either pesto or truffle. Someone pass the pasta!

Kate: What’s your favorite movie and/or book?

Michelle: Right now, I’m more into books than movies. If the question included TV shows, my answer might be different! I like to read anything related to traveling, particularly if the sea is involved. Swell: A Sailing Surfer’s Voyage of Awakening by Captain Liz Clark stands out as a favorite. It’s a memoir about Liz’s travels around the world in her sailboat, “in search of surf, self, and the wonder and learning that lies beyond the unbroken horizon.”

Kate: What’s one accomplishment from your childhood that you still brag about?

Michelle: This is more of an inside joke between my brother and me, but I still brag about coming in “second place” behind him. It was just the two of us growing up, and he beat me at (almost) everything — basketball, bike racing, football, you name it. He’d hold up #1, and I always held up #2. This is still a running joke when we’re together, and I consider it bragging. If I have to come in second place, I’m fine with it being right behind my brother. 

Kate: What’s something your colleagues don’t know about you?

Michelle: Most may not know that I was a gymnastics coach for 6-7 years. 

Kate: When you think about your time at Caliber, what career accomplishment or milestone makes you feel most proud?

Michelle: There isn’t one defining moment. What I’m most proud of is watching our clients grow and evolve their businesses. I’ve been lucky enough to work on a number of accounts for several years, and it’s been awesome to see everything our clients are able to achieve. The bonus for me is being a partner and coming up with creative ways to tell those stories. 

Kate: Name one thing that amazes you about fintech or innovation in financial services.

Michelle: It amazes me how much fintech impacts our daily lives — oftentimes without us even realizing it (if you aren’t in this industry, of course). Most people I know don’t pay attention to the backend in terms of how money moves — how we pay, get paid, take out loans, etc. However, if innovation wasn’t happening, then everyone would notice. Innovation in this space touches so many facets, so many industries — from banking to insurance to real estate. 

Caliber Senior Director Michelle Mead on the Role of Fintech in Our Lives

Kate: What’s your favorite thing about working at Caliber?

Michelle: The people. Our internal team at Caliber and the clients we get to work with. They are the reason I do what I do. 

Kate: What historical figure do you most admire?

Michelle: This is another tough one… I remember during one of our offsites, we were asked which historical figure we would want to sit down and talk to, and my response was Abe Lincoln. When it comes to admiration, though, I’d have to say Martin Luther King Jr.

Kate: Looking back, are there any defining moments that helped shape you into the rockstar you are today?

Michelle: Early on in my career, I was given a number of pep talks on the importance of confidence and trusting my PR instincts. I was pushed at an early stage to “speak off script” and bring new ideas to the table — not just for the sake of speaking up in a meeting. I was constantly challenged to make sure that what I was proposing was well thought out and laddered up to a specific goal. I feel like that guidance, feedback and consistent challenge molded me into being a strategic thinker… something I value today, and I hope our clients do, too!


Want to join Michelle at Caliber? Check out our job postings page for open positions! 

The Staff Spotlight Q&A series highlights Caliber team members for the stellar work they do each day and the important part we all play in the company. Read more Staff Spotlight Q&A posts to learn more about our top-tier team.

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