Staff Spotlight: Caliber Senior Account Executive David Yaghutiel.

Based in Astoria, New York, Caliber Senior Account Executive David Yaghutiel joined the team in 2021. This theatre arts star and dedicated team player sat down with Caliber Culture Manager, Kate Forster, to talk about his career in public relations for financial services and fintech companies. Read on to learn more about Caliber Senior Account Executive David Yaghutiel in this Staff Spotlight interview.
Kate: Since we’re a work-from-home friendly workplace, tell us about “home” for you!
David: I live in New York City, specifically in the beautiful and lively neighborhood of Astoria, Queens. However, I’m a bit bicoastal – I grew up in the heart of Silicon Valley, in San Jose, California – and often travel back to visit my immediate family (and currently am there right now!). I have also lived in New Jersey, Southern California and Scotland!
Kate: Since joining Caliber, what career milestone makes you proud?
David: Being part of the team that helped launch Mass Fintech Hub, a public-private partnership dedicated to making the Commonwealth of Massachusetts a global leader in fintech, was incredibly exciting for me! This initiative has brought together leaders in fintech, venture capital, government, financial services, academia and many other sectors to support entrepreneurs, mentor students, further expand the Massachusetts fintech ecosystem, and much more. The partnership has driven incredible progress in the approximately 1.5 years since its launch, and it has been amazing to be a part of its journey!
Kate: What do you like to do outside of work?
David: My favorite activity outside of work is performing in community theatre productions, specifically with a fantastic group in New York called AfterWork Theater! Last year, I was in a production of “Newsies”, which was an amazing experience—and to make it even more special, my Caliber family came to see the show and cheer me on!
Kate: What’s your favorite part of your job as a Caliber senior account executive?
David: I love getting to work every day with a team of brilliant, charismatic, kind and supportive strategic communicators. Caliber also does a great job with fostering community (which is more challenging and important than ever in a largely remote environment) with mentorship/learning opportunities, virtual lunches, happy hours, specialized committees and more.
Kate: What’s one accomplishment from your childhood that you still brag about?
David: When I was a kid and was at SeaWorld with my family, I was asked to be the young boy that they feature with Shamu in their show! This isn’t really an “accomplishment,” especially since I actually ended up not being able to do it (long story), but I felt pretty special for a few minutes!
Kate: What’s your all-time favorite book? What’s the most recent book you’ve read?
David: I would have to say that my all-time favorite book is “When You Get the Chance” by Emma Lord, for two reasons:
- It’s a hilarious, sweet, witty and captivating novel chock-full of theatre references and an incredible ‘reverse-Mamma Mia’ storyline.
- The author, Emma Lord, is a close friend of mine, and she even used my last name in an instance in the book (as a ‘name cameo’, so to speak), which was such an honor!
As for the most recent book I’ve read – I’ll admit that it was the second book in the “Harry Potter” series, which I finished a long time ago but love to re-read!
Kate: What’s one thing that amazes you about fintech or innovation in financial services?
David: The sheer breadth of it! Fintech and financial services span so many sectors, from DeFi, to asset management/servicing, to regtech, to compliance, to financial inclusion, to insurtech, to venture capital—and the list goes on. To have the opportunity to work with terrific clients in so many specialized areas keeps my job very exciting.
I will also add that it’s incredible to see all of the ways that innovation in fintech and financial services is making the world a better place, such as by helping close financial literacy gaps, setting up underprivileged children and families for financial success, and promoting sustainable finance and financial inclusion – just to name a few.
Kate: What are you most thankful for?
David: I am most thankful for the people in my life – my family, friends and colleagues. I’m also thankful for the opportunity to learn, grow and have new experiences every day – which is another reason why it’s great to work at a dynamic agency like Caliber, where no one day is the same!
Kate: If you had to include one ingredient in every meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
David: I would have to say avocados! To be honest, I have made many meal choices at restaurants largely based on if they include avocados or not.
Want to join David Yaghutiel at Caliber? Check out our job postings page for open positions, including the best mid-level public relations jobs in NYC, Austin and remote!
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